We integrate the various skills that make up the art of Placemaking, enabling us to operate in a range of scales and configurations for a totally integrated approach which extends from the capacity to imagine the solution through to the art of its implementation.
We design an option to maximise the full potential of a place’s appeal, competitiveness and qualities by offering our clients a whole value-chain of creation, planning and operational management for sound Placemaking.
Operational Areas
We undertake Placemaking projects in three key areas:
Visitor Attractions
Projects for creating and managing “anchors” – cultural, leisure and others – that function as visitor catalysts, transforming spaces into popular destinations that promote enjoyment, fruition and experiences.

Culture and Heritage
Projects for recovering and revitalizing cultural and heritage sites, leveraging the location’s natural or socio-cultural values. Focusing on the symbiosis between tourism and culture and the development and appreciation of their potential as socioeconomic catalysts.

Urban Regeneration
Integrated projects for physical, social and economic transformations embedded in the community and the place’s identity; for a sustainable social and urbanistic intervention aimed at promoting the local community’s quality of life and strengthening the place’s attractiveness.
Depending on each project’s specific characteristics, the three key areas in which we operate may be worked autonomously or as complementary and interrelated aspects of a holistic solution within the Placemaking process.
We use our unique Placemaking process when approaching these projects, driving positive changes, impact and sustainability where we operate.1.
We envision an holistic solution specific to its location, considering its unique characteristics and the client’s objectives in the context of the most relevant trends.
We create a master-plan for the project which includes the concept, a site-specific business model and a development strategy for the space.
We develop the planning and design of the space in its various functional dimensions; physical, social, cultural and environmental.
We are able to assume responsibility for operational management of the resulting place, or assist the client in this task.
Transversal Areas
There are fundamental areas common to any Placemaking project, and where we also provide services.Public Realm and Urban Environment
We provide creative solutions that are people-friendly, sustainable and practical for public spaces in line with contemporary and innovative approaches that promote the use and dynamic of the street, neighbourhood or urban spaces as a centre for sharing life (social, economic, cultural), while respecting questions of mobility, safety, landscape and commerce among others. These interventions, big or small, are governed by their historical context and socio-cultural characteristics which serve to reinforce the soul and identity of the place.
Includes: green landscape, parks, squares, markets, riverfronts, cultural neighbourhoods among other public spaces aimed at improving the urban environment.
Territorial Management & Urban Planning
Support for Urban Management and City Planning in articulation with local authorities.
Includes: Preparation, alteration or revision of Planning Instruments, delimitations and setting-up operations for Rehabilitation Areas, support for Funding Applications.
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Studies and Plans for sustainable urban mobility focusing on “green” solutions and reduction of the carbon footprint.
In all of these areas, our place-based and community-driven approach sets us apart.
Placemakers offers its clients a range of personalised services ranging from strategic planning and concept development to detailed operational and financial planning.Cultural Tourism
Museums and Heritage
Management of Cultural Assets
Local Economy
& Social Development
Sociocultural Appreciation
Social and Cultural Valorisation
Cultural and Creative Neighbourhoods
Public Realm
& Economic Modelling
Architecture & Design
Landscaping & Environment
Mobility & Accessibility
Territorial and Urban Planning
Viability and Potential Analysis
Place Marketing
and Communication
Place Programming
Funding Strategies
Support for Applications